Culture is one of the key variables in corporate development.
On the one hand, a suitable culture is necessary in many industries to be successful in the war for talent and to retain employees. On the other hand, a culture that translates the necessities of the business into beneficial behaviors is probably the biggest factor in enabling optimal performance.
Optimal performance requires well-being. There is far too great a risk that inappropriate decision-making, unresolved or, in the worst case, avoided conflict, silo thinking and acting, fear of making mistakes, or a lax approach to responsibility will minimize a company's performance. An unfavorable corporate culture can limit well-being to such an extent that employees work "by the book" and management feels compelled to exert "pressure". How this then continues, well, you have probably experienced something like this often enough.
At MindArt@ we are dedicated to culture development and personal development. In our first open seminar "after" Corona (or rather now we dare to offer an open seminar again after having practiced dealing with hygiene rules long enough) we reveal our entire know-how of culture development work.
In the first part of the two-part seminar the participants learn what culture is, how culture can be developed, the basics and all our workshop formats up to valid measurement and control of culture development work. In the second part of the seminar, participants develop their own individual compass to navigate safely in the given culture and to change culture in direct their environment. Both parts can also be booked separately.
Click here for the seminar.