Team Training

Our team trainings are about recognizing existing competencies in a team and/or gaining new competencies to reach goals. These competencies are then put to trial in your day-to-day work and extended and checked on through permanent loops of reflection if they are relevant for your practical work. A common inner attitude in the team intensifies the focus on a goal and therefore the effectiveness of the competencies and skills aquired. Through this process the team learns to work together with more sucess.
Training is used in different contexts. We can train our body to perform better and operate more intelligently. Equally, we can improve our cognitive skills through learning and transfer of knowledge. Part of this is the skill of reflection that is improved and refined through training in a team. Successful teams know each others' blind spots and know what they do not know yet. They bring a curiosity to create and realise novel things. That is something fundamentally different to the eternal "more of the same" philosophy.
In contrast to team coaching, which is principally about clarifying roles and duties - especially within the team, team training is more about training the effectiveness of these roles in day-to-day life with the help of existing or additionally aquired skills. Here, the most important part is the WE, i.e., the combined holistic performance of the team as a social system.
Relevant learning processes are highlighted and reflected through specific exercises, both in an individual team member, as well as in the team as a whole, so that the team is empowered to learn from itself. Especially in times of crisis these teams distinguish themselves through a high tolerance of stress with a stable and high operational output.
Possible goals for team trainings include:
- goal-oriented and effective cooperation
- higher tolerance and calmness toward team members who think differently to the norm
- a more efficient metting culture
- consciousness awareness of responsibility and impact in one's own role and from a team perspective
- responsible thinking and behaving as a businessman/businesswoman
- best possible cooperation in the team because of more trust
- higher durability of the team so that mistakes are used as learning experiences and times of crises are used positively
- the team itself becomes a place of permanent positive reference experience and therefore allows for no destructive and toxic thought patterns
- the team learns that through its presence the team itself is the strongest operating instrument
- functioning communication patterns - especially towards other teams and to relevant points of interaction within the organisation
- more sensitivity for future necessities boosts proactive action
Teams that are able to courageously try new things turn into carriers and providers of necessary change processes in their company. We are more than happy to clarify the detailed situation in your team and create an individualised team training for you that is as unique as the team that you are leading.