For Teams
By consciously recognizing and actively shaping their own contribution to the success of their team and company, people feel effective and their daily work makes sense. The opportunity to actively shape togetherness is also an essential aspect of a company's further development. Working time is life time, and working together with colleagues in a good way toward a goal during this time is what constitutes inner motivation and makes teams and companies successful.
Strategy - Structure - Culture
In our work, the magic triangle of strategy - structure - culture forms the basis for the effectiveness of a team and the individual team members. Only if you as a leader take care of all three dimensions, your team can be successful and the framework can be formed to support your team and the individual employees in their further development.
For a team to become a team at all, it needs a common direction and a common purpose. Of course, togetherness is also very much about getting to know each other and dealing with each other. When people come together in a new team, the question is often what place each person can take and how security and orientation can be established. Everyone has to find their role in the team, and the individual colleagues first have to develop into a team.
The requirements for the structure and culture of cooperation are derived from the team's goal. The goal of a team building process is to clarify the roles and processes in the team or to create clarity as to how they are defined. An important aspect is also the establishment of the team's regular communication, which must be based on individual needs.
Another focus of the team-building process is to determine the way in which the colleagues want to work together. Our aim here is for the team to identify the most important behavioral aspects for itself and then to describe in very concrete terms what the desired behaviors look like in this regard or what the team would like to do about it. The processing of this topic memory is set up as a continuous process so that a sustainable development of the team culture is possible. This is where the foundation is laid.
The team's goals result in requirements for the structure and culture of a team. In the team development process we take into account the group dynamic and personal processes. Attentiveness for the individual and for the group as a whole play a decisive role for us in the team development process and in the daily work of the team.
Team Coaching
Team coaching provides clarity, effectiveness and satisfaction by clarifying expectations and roles and shaping cooperation within the strategy and structure of a team or department.
Team Mediation
Team mediation is clarification support in teams to strengthen cooperation, joint effectiveness and satisfaction when conflicts are inhibiting.
Team Training
Team training is designed to leverage existing competencies and strengths in a team or to build new competencies that a team needs to be successful.