
Elisabeth Raggam

My roles at MindArt

Coach, trainer, cultural developer

What experiences have shaped me?

My profession and passion is to accompany individuals, teams and organizations on development paths and in the course of this to open communication spaces, to let powerful images of the future emerge and thus to enable growth and transformation. An essential basis for my effectiveness in professional as well as private contexts is undoubtedly my education and training. For me, they were and are something like research guides and journeys of discovery to understand and shape individual, social and organizational phenomena in their wholeness and complexity.

What are important concerns for me in my work?

In my work, I am guided above all by systemic and group dynamic models and the findings of embodiment research and my own experience. It is my concern to accompany processes of shaping the future in a cooperative way. To open spaces in which challenges can be illuminated, solutions can emerge and the importance of corporate culture becomes visible and tangible. A pattern of success crystallizes again and again: When people feel invited to find and explore new paths in a constructive atmosphere and are able to let go of what no longer seems effective, a new quality of awareness can emerge from which trust can grow, differences can be used and polarities can be bridged.



Unternehmensberaterin #selbständig

Führungssystementwicklung und Embodied Leadership Programme #Diverse

Moderation von Klausuren für Team- und Bereichsentwicklungen #Diverse

Coaching von Leitungsgremien und Managementteams #Diverse

Lektorin an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten #Diverse

Forschungstätigkeit und Beratung im Bereich Frauengesundheit und betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung

Geschäftsfeldentwicklung und Aufbau von Teams zur Projektabwicklung

aktive Gesellschafterin eines mittelgroßen Produktionsunternehmens

Vorstand einer Privatschule


Education and training


Studies of Psychology #University of Vienna & Georgetown University

Training as group dynamics trainer and organizational consultant

Diploma course in Systemic Change and Knowledge Management & Building Learning Organizations

Course for embodiment trainer & body coach

Certified business trainer and education manager

Course on analog methods in consulting and training

Hakomi Processing #Hakomi Institute of Europe e.V.

Certified work & organizational psychologist


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