

Published on by Oliver Winkel

Inner strength

Inner strength? If only it were so easy sometimes. A conversation by Ursula Wolf and Oliver Winkel about what inner strength actually is, how it comes about and how it can be built up.

Published on by Oliver Winkel

What is mindfulness and what is it good for in companies?

Mindfulness is on everyone's lips. Hardly a week goes by without even popular media publishing at least one article on mindfulness. Mindfulness also plays a role in our work. In this article, we want to show what mindfulness is from our point of view and what benefits it can bring to individuals, teams and organizations.

Published on by Oliver Winkel

Perfectionism and self-care

Perfectionism and self-care - a contradiction? Perfectionism can be a wonderful strategy, and at a certain level it can also cause some difficulties. A conversation by Ursula Wolf and Oliver Winkel.

Published on by Oliver Winkel

Self made pressure

We all feel internal pressure here and there. There is also self-made pressure, which actually has little to do with the outside. And it can keep us quite busy. How can we deal with self-made pressure? How does this pressure arise in the first place? A conversation between Ursula Wolf and Oliver Winkel.

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